August 10 ENA Meeting Cal Trans Sound Wall Update

June 14th  -  1) Kevin Hocker, Sac Urban Forester 2)Proposed hotel, old Coca-Cola building

ENA 1.8.24 District 6 City Council Candidates Forum

November 9 ENA Meeting CM Guerra discussing public subsidy for Aggie Square

Nov 8 2021 presentations Sac PD, Sacramento Solid Waste and Recycling, and Cal Trans.

The Elmhurst Neighborhood Association Board continues to meet online the 2nd Monday of each month .

Here is the    Be sure you are signed up to receive the e-newsletters, or contact:  president@elmhurstna.com.

Standing Agenda (NOTE: the e-bulletin reminders will include details of presentations or special items not routinely addressed at board meetings)
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Presentations (if any)
3. Financial Report
4. Follow-up on current neighborhood issues
5. New neighborhood concerns
6. Committee reports
7. Pending items
8. Other
9. Next meeting

ENA 9-11-23

Meet the District 6 Candidates 

January 11 ENA Meeting with CM Guerra addressing Aggie Square and GP 2040

ENA 6-13-22  Sound Wall Update 

Sept 14 ENA Meeting - Measure A discussion with Pro and Con presenters

At the beginning of each monthly board meeting the ENA provides time for informational presentations by community organizations or City entities addressing topics and concerns relevant to the neighborhood.

BELOW are recordings of some past presentations 

February 8 ENA Meeting Illegal Fireworks Presentation

February 8 ENA Meeting Sacramento Investment Without Displacement Presentation


Type your paragraph here.

March 8 ENA Meeting Sound Wall Presentation

Dec. 13 2021 presentation Residents Against Illegal Fireworks 

ENA 6-12-23

SMUD Green Energy Update

The ENA budget is available upon request.

ENA 11-14-22

UCDMC Employee Parking Issues 

ENA 9-12-22

Proposal for Botanical Garden

ENA 7-11-22

SMUD Zero carbon presentation

March 8 ENA Meeting UC Davis Aggie Square Presentation

April 12th  - Proposed development 55th &T, Update on S St development, Citywide Parks Plan